Move Forward the UK Release Date of Twilight

  • van: Claire Colchester
  • ontvanger: To get the UK release date of Twilight moved forward.
This is a petition to try and get the UK release date of Twilight moved forward. This happened in the USA when Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was moved back to next summer. Twilight then took its place on 21st November 2008. This would leave a gap in movie releases in the UK that day as well, so I don't see why fans in the UK have to wait until 9th January 2009 to see it!
Also, because of the length of time between the two releases, I can see some fans turning to watching illegal copies of the film online. It's hard to contain the excitement 'til November, let alone waiting until January when half the world has already seen it!
All I, and many other fans are saying, make the release date the same as in America or close to it. It makes a lot of sense.
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