Save the Canada Geese In Bella Vista, Arkansas

  • van: Nancy Lodzinski
  • ontvanger: Bella Vista POA and the City of Bella Vista, Bella Vista, Arkansas

To:  Bella Vista Village POA and the City of Bella Vista, Bella Vista, Arkansas 

We, the undersigned members of Bella Vista Village and the City of Bella Vista, oppose any and all lethal methods of Canada goose control. As resident and nonresident property owners, we prefer the geese be managed in a non-lethal manner.  

We do not believe it is in our community%u2019s best interest to project an image of insensitivity, intolerance and cruelty toward Bella Vista%u2019s Canada geese by destroying them. Therefore, we urge the POA and the City to initiate a non-lethal goose abatement program, reflective of an empathetic, selfless and progressive community.

We the undersigned oppose the slaughter of the Canada Geese and request that you use humane means to control the geese in Bella Vista, Arkansas.  As research indicates,  Canada geese pose no health threat to the public.  There are many non-lethal methods that can be used and have been proven effective, some may include, but are not limited to:  Border Collies and birth control. 

We urgently request that that the Bella Vista POA and the City of Bella Vista portray a humane attitude rather than one of insensitivity and the inabillity to work with the members and others on such an important issue.  We believe that the Canada geese is only one blessing that God has given us, and to destroy this magnificent creature is destroying part of  our Creator.  

Again, we respectfully urge you to implement non-lethal methods for controlling these majestic birds.

Thank you for your time.


The Undersigned


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