We, the undersigned, want the government to stop Lynas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. from operating its rare earth refining plant in Kuantan or anywhere in Malaysia.

We do not have faith in the safeguards claimed to have been put in place to ensure that there will not be radioactive leakages neither do we feel assured that the waste will be disposed properly.

We do not want to face a radioactive problem in our backyard and we do not want to subject ourselves or our family members to severe health problems.

YB Fuziah Salleh

MP of Kuantan, Malaysia

On behalf of the Concern Citizens of Kuantan

We, the undersigned, want the government to stop Lynas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. from operating its rare earth refining plant in Kuantan or anywhere in Malaysia.

We do not have faith in the safeguards claimed to have been put in place to ensure that there will not be radioactive leakages neither do we feel assured that the waste will be disposed properly.

We do not want to face a radioactive problem in our backyard and we do not want to subject ourselves or our family members to severe health problems.

YB Fuziah Salleh

MP of Kuantan, Malaysia

On behalf of the Concern Citizens of Kuantan
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