Proposals to turn the Bristol Bay region into a huge mining district, complete with tailings-filled lakes created behind some of the largest earthen dams on the planet and access roads across the wilderness, are short-sighted and expose the regions incredible fish and wildlife resources to an unacceptable level of risk. Especially considering the areas propensity to earthquakes.

People from across America and around the world travel to Bristol Bay for some of the world's last great runs of wild salmon and rainbow trout.  The region also supports large populations of caribou, moose, grizzly, brown, and black bears, wolves, bald eagles, and millions of migratory waterfowl.  In short, Bristol Bay is a true wildlife mecca.

Should this mine with its toxic "great lake" be built, it will only be a matter time before we are facing a fish and wildlife emergency that will make the Exxon oil spill look like a grease spot.


For more information, go here.

We the undersigned are deeply concerned with proposals to transform vast tracts of land in the southwest Alaska Bristol Bay watershed into a massive mining district.

People from across America and around the world travel to Bristol Bay to pursue some of the worlds last great runs of wild salmon and trophy rainbow trout. 

The region also supports large populations of caribou, moose, grizzly, brown, and black bears, wolves, bald eagles, and millions of migratory waterfowl.  In short, Bristol Bay is a true wildlife mecca.

I respectfully request that the State of Alaska and the federal government consider creation of a watershed-wide system of conservation units to preserve the renewable resources this region supports. 

Proposals to turn the region into a huge mining district, complete with tailings-filled lakes created behind some of the largest earthen dams on the planet and access roads across the wilderness, are short-sighted and lose sight of which are truly the most important natural resources.

Given the areas propensity to earthquakes, this plan exposes the regions incredible fish and wildlife resources to what we feel is a highly unacceptable level of risk.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


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