Tell USDA and Canterbury Lake Association that Canada Geese Deserve Compassion

  • van: Richmond SPCA
  • ontvanger: USDA and Canterbury Lake Association

The Canterbury Lake Association LLC in Henrico County, Va. has voted to permit the U.S. Department of Agriculture to remove and kill Canada geese who have made their home at the neighborhood lake. The reason offered for this unconscionable and inhumane decision is that the geese "poop."

Subdivisions create lake environments like this one because they are beautiful. They also happen to be natural to wildlife, including the geese. Appreciating the lake should also mean appreciating the animals naturally drawn to it. If it doesn't, then all the residents really want is an artificially sanitized version of nature. And in this case, in order to acheive it, The Canterbury Lake Association has voted to kill geese.

If you oppose this effort to needlessly and cruelly exterminate Canada geese, we encourage you to sign this petition. Please join us in demonstrating your support for treating animals with care and compassion.

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