Wish you are here

  • van: CTIM
  • ontvanger: everyone

Wish you are here, especially in this sensitive moment.

Recently my email is down as appearing errD2007 such error message. I contact Care2 tech team and google.  The search result has http://null/c2c/share/detail/1169618 . It is Randy’s blog quoted:

We do not know who is behind the attack. Clearly, someone is threatened with the impact the PetitionSite is having. It's possible the attack is being coordinated by a single unhappy hacker, or it's possible it's related to some of the petitions we've recently had related to international events. It's pure speculation at this point as we simply do not know, however its size and characteristics suggest it's a well coordinated attack.

Obviously, someone wants thePetitionSite.com shut down. Given the cost of the attack (estimated in the tens of thousands of dollars), it's very hard to believe this is the work of an individual.

Actually not only email, care2 website and petitionsite.com have problem.

Just as http://www.thepetitionsite.com/41/take-action-care2-members-visitors/   Note: Slow sites may be penalized by search engines.

With the effort of Care2 team, my email account is re-activiated today. Thanks to Care2 team!


No matter how strong of the evil forces behind, we support Randy Paynter and Care2 team.  We thank and appreciate Randy Paynter and Care2 team to fight with the evil forces.

 Thank 2 Randy Paynter and Care2 team make the difference!

 Thank you all are here to protect that good social petiition website.

Photo is from the Care2 ecard..

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