End the Use of the R-word

  • van: Kristina Chew
  • ontvanger: Everyone in Your School, Community and Social Network
Join the campaign to end the use of the r-word and hateful, disrespectful language towards individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The derisive use of the words "retard" and "retarded" in everyday language must stop, and inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities encouraged. Saying the "r-word" is the equivalent of a racial slur: Please get the word out about the "r-word."
We the undersigned ask you to join the campaign to end the use of the r-word and hateful, disrespectful language towards individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The derisive use of the words "retard" and "retarded" in everyday language must stop, and inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities encouraged. Saying the "r-word" is the equivalent of a racial slur: Please get the word out about the "r-word."
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