Broadcast 'Earthlings' On National Television

    'Earthlings' is a documentary from 2005 which highlights the problems of animal welfare issues. It demonstrates our dependence on animals as pets, food, clothing and other economic uses of animals in modern society. This use of animals is likely to come from societies ignorance to the way they are treated and could be solved through more awareness and education. For example, if we all knew how our food was treated before it was put on our plate, how your fur coat was made or how your cosmetic products came to be it could help to persuade people to find alternatives. The more we as a society begin to think about how this system works the more we are likely to reconsider our actions.

    I propose to reach a maximum number of signatures then contact major advertising companies to ask them to advertise the documentary in the hope more people will watch it and become aware of this environmental issue.

    You can watch this documentary at:

    I ask you to pass this petition and documentary on to friends, family and co workers.
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