Save Florida Manatees, Sea Turtles From Dredging and Blasting

Please add your name to this petition to help protect endangered manatees and sea turtles from a destructive plan proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

For all the sea traffic that it currently supports, Lake Worth Inlet is full of life. Three kinds of sea turtles hatch their eggs on the beaches just to the north and south of the port, and nearly 600 endangered manatees have been reported in the warm-water refugia here at one time. Lake Worth Lagoon is also home to a number of quieter beauties: soft corals, sponges and gently waving seagrasses.

The reef and sea-grass habitats would be destroyed if the Army Corps continues with their plan. The Corps wants to bring in enormous machines called dredges that would scrape the entire bottom of the inlet to make way for big ships. This plan places a higher value on cold, economic efficiency and bulk commodities like cement and sugar.

Take action now and urge the Corps to recheck the math on its balance sheet; the costs of this project to our state's precious plants and wildlife is something we simply can't afford.

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