Allow math to determine congressional salaries, not Congress

The salaries of our elected officials range from 77%-580% higher than workers with the same educational background, with 92% coming in greater than 100%. We're connected and capable of gathering more information than could've ever been imagined by our founding fathers. That being said, congressional salaries should be based on the averages of those with equal education and experience. It's time for all of our elected officials to start receiving salaries relative to real life and the work performed. They do work for Us, and I'd really like to see them have a time card app that is accessible to us, and they log in each time they're performing work with a brief description of task, and upon "clocking" out provide a summary of the work completed. A person wouldn't pay an employee having no idea of what work was performed, yet here we are as a whole doing exactly that. They should feel the cost of living increases themselves. How can they possibly represent and serve us when our state of being is an abstract concept to them. The American people are literally being robbed of their hard earned money while their leaders can't tell them the price of milk and eggs. It's insane that someone can enter a political position meant to serve the people as upper middle class, yet exit the position(if they even do)a multi millionaire. All the while the American people are having their right to the pursuit of happiness taken away and replaced with the fight for survival.

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petitie tekenen
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