Bring the Colonel Back

The Ole Miss Rebel Black Bears is ridiculous! We need to take action and bring the Colonel back! The Colonel is not offensive to anyone. They have taken away our flag, our songs, and now our colonel; it is time to draw the line. I say we boycott Ole Miss, alumni should pull funding, and fans should stop buying tickets to athletic events until this atrocity has been rectified! Please sign this petition and pass it on to your friends and neighbors. Once we have collected 100,000 signatures, we will submit this petition to the Chancellor of Ole Miss, Daniel W. Jones. Thank you very much for your support. 
We the undersigned, with all due respect, would like to ask you to reconsider your decision to replace the Colonel Reb with the Black Bear. We are very disappointed with the University's decision to bend to political pressures to remove our beloved mascot. We have been dedicated Ole Miss fans for years and are saddened that we can no longer look forward to seeing the Colonel Reb at our athletic events. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter, we hope that you will have a change of heart in your decision. 
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