End Nutrient Deprivation of Veal Calves

  • van: Kelly Rogers
  • ontvanger: U.S.D.A. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, (APHIS)

Require veal farmers to provide calves with milk and grasses.

Each year, close to one million male calves are slaughtered before they reach their one-month birthday just to be placed on the plates of American restaurant goers. Many claim to enjoy the tenderness of flesh that can only come from baby cows, yet few realize how terribly these calves suffer before slaughter. The barbaric treatment of veal calves has improved on a small scale throughout the United States as many citizens have pushed for better living conditions and treatment. While most would like to see the practice of harvesting veal outlawed indefinitely, approaching the issue in this manner would be ineffective, as veal is too popular a meal for U.S. restaurants to stop serving it overnight.


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