Stop Trump from pardoning himself and his corrupt cronies!

  • van:
  • ontvanger: New York State Legislators and Governor Andrew Cuomo

When Trump pardoned Scooter Libby, he was sending a clear message to Democrats: he won't hesitate to pardon a criminal so long as they are Republican.

In other words, Trump is so scared of what Mueller will discover in the Russia investigation that he's preemptively allowing criminals go free to set a precedent that he will freely issue pardons to himself and his cronies.

But we can to stop him.

New York's Attorney General's office could pursue state charges against Trump and his henchmen, filing state charges that Trump cannot touch with a pardon.

However, New York's "double jeopardy" law might prevent Trump's cronies being tried for the same crime at the state and federal levels -- which is why two New York legislators have introduced bills to amend the state's "double jeopardy" laws to exempt presidential pardons.

If passed, New York could be the key to ensuring that these crooks get exactly what they deserve. The bill has support, but it'll need a chorus of voices to become a law.

Add your name to hold Trump and his corrupt associates accountable: amend the New York "double jeopardy" law and keep the Russia investigation on track.

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