• van: m.v
  • ontvanger: United Nations,Special Rapporteur of Human Rights in Iran,European Parliament

We are the students and followers of the great scholar, Dr Mohammad Ali Taheri . We believe that he has died under his 12th hunger strike after four years of solitary confinement in the notorious Evin Prison in Iran;But Iran's government is hiding his death.

Fellow human rights followers ,Please sign this petition to ask the International communities and United Nations for establishment of a fair and independent tribunal to examine all the evidences including Dr Taheri's letter from prison and all the related documents which he had managed to send to his trusted student, Ms Niroomanesh ,under truely difficult circumstances.

Mohammad Ali Taheri is a great scholar and spiritual theorist who has introduced the Inter-Universalism Theory into the world’s emerging scientific fields and founded Psymentology and Ultra-Healing which are two different forms of complementary medicine.

Due to his beliefs, Mohammad Ali Taheri has been under arrest in solitary confinement in Evin Prison since 2011. The Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Republic and the Intelligent Service have been torturing him in the most inhumane and unjust ways just because they are totally against his beliefs and do not wish to recognise any of his theories. On the other hand, his family and his students have been threatened and put under a lot of pressure by the Islamic Republic as well as the Intelligence Service who intend to totally eradicate Mr Taheri’s school of thought. This is in spite of the fact that it has already attracted masses of followers.

Ms Shahnaz Niroomanesh, who has been a very close and trusted student of Mohammad Ali Taheri, is the founder and manager of the Mohammad Ali Taheri’s Institution. This institution which has been active out of Iran is in charge of researching and spreading Mohammad Ali Taheri’s beliefs, works and theories.

In 2010, as there was an increasing pressure on Mohammad Ali Taheri, he asked Ms Niroomanesh to leave Iran. Since then, Ms Niroomanesh has put a lot of time and effort into introducing Mohammad Ali Taheri’s theories and his school of thought at various international organisations and institutions. Also, in order to support Mohammad Ali Taheri, who is the founder of Inter-Universalism, Ms Niroomanesh has organised international campaigns with the human rights organisations, taken part in interviews and founded Mohammad Ali Taheri’s Institution (Inter-Universalism, Inc 2012) in America which is a centre for researching and spreading Mr Taheri’s school of thought, works and beliefs.

In spring 2014, in spite of being under close surveillance in prison and under truly tough circumstances, Mohammad Ali Taheri managed to get a letter out to Ms Niroomanesh. In this letter he has disclosed a lot of details about the pressures, tortures and the unjust and inhumane conditions imposed on him and the other prisoners in jail. In this letter he has requested the international and human rights organisations as well as Mr Ahmad Shahid to investigate the above mentioned prison conditions and added that he is prepared to give testimony against the violation of human rights by the Revolutionary Guards and the Intelligence service.

Mr Taheri’s wife (Ziba Mohammadian), his sister and her husband were regularly visiting him in jail and he had a couple of so-called court-appointed defence lawyers but he did not trust any of them and did not want the above mentioned letter to be presented to the international human rights organisations through family or even his sister . Upon his personal request, his letter should only be presented to all the international communities and Mr Ahmad Shahid through his trusted person, Ms Shahnaz Niroomanesh. In his letter Mohammad Taheri has pointed out to the fact that his family is under pressure by the Islamic Republic and the Revolutionary Guards; therefore, his family members and the appointed lawyers cannot be trusted to work independently and consequently, they do not have the means to follow up this case. Moreover, their words and evidence cannot be used or trusted.

After receiving Mr Taheri’s letter, Ms Shahnaz Niroomanesh managed to get it to Mr Ahmad Shahid and followed up the case with the High Commissionaire for Human Rights (OHCHR) as well as the European Parliament. As a result of her efforts, in 2014 she could finally attract the attention of the international communities and human rights organisations towards Mohammad Ali Taheri’s case. It was also at this point that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Mr Ahmad Shahid mentioned Mohammad Ali Taheri’s name in a statement and demanded his release. As Ms Niroomanesh had concentrated all her efforts to continually follow up Mohammad Ali Taheri’s case with the international communities, Amnesty International released a statement demanding immediate action (to be taken on this issue)and the High Commissionaire for Human Rights wrote a classified letter regarding the urgency of action needed to be taken on his case.

In spite of all these, the Islamic Republic kept the case on Mohammad Ali Taheri open with charges such as ‘infidelity’ and ‘corruption on earth’ as well as a death sentence while they were still trying to make him confess.(translator’s note: Corruption on earth is the highest possible criminal offense according the Islamic Republic Laws and the usual punishment for it is death by execution).

As a result, Mohammad Ali Taheri started a hunger strike which was totally ignored by the Islamic Republic and in autumn 2014, he announced that he would not stop his hunger strike until his case was finalised and closed. During all this time, none of the family members of Mohammad Ali Taheri, his so-called previous lawyers or the newly appointed one did anything to support his case. According to the news released by the International Campaign for Mr Taheri and the statements of Ms Niroomanesh, in January 2015Mohammad Ali Taheri passed away after going into a comma twice and suffering from a heart failure, which were caused by his hunger strike, while he was still being tortured for confession in one of the secret houses of the Intelligence Service located outside of Evin Prison.

As the news of Mohammad Ali Taheri’s martyrdom was announced by Ms Niroomanesh, the Islamic Republic used misinformation through Mr Taheri’s so-called Lawyers and the family members to announce that Mr Taheri was alive and his court sessions would go ahead as planned. Further news was also released regarding his court sessions, death sentence and his hunger strike. Mr Taheri (was said to have) started another hunger strike for 70 days and his case was sent to the Supreme Court but was returned because of missing documents. Then according to the claims by only a couple of his family members his death sentence was overturned. The lawyer’s appointed by the Islamic Republic released some false news based on no valid evidence through some of the human rights lobbies who are supposedly working within the framework of ( Mr Taheri’s) Campaign. All of these were done to cover up the fact that Mr Taheri had been martyred by the Islamic Republic. During the past year, some of the students of Mohammad Ali Taheri have been asking for Mr Taheri to be shown to the public just to end all the existing rumours.

Unfortunately Mr Taheri’s family, his two lawyers and the press of the Islamic Republic have been strongly opposing this request. This has gone as far as the point that his family started threatening the bodies who were continually repeating their request to see Mr Taheri. And by putting emphasis on a possibility of a death sentence (again),( his family)announced that the request to show Mr Taheri to the public should not be pursued. We, the students and followers of the great scholar, Mr Mohammad Ali Taheri, would like to ask for the establishment of a fair and independent tribunal based on human rights to consider Mr Taheri’s letter and all the related documents and evidence which he had managed to get to Ms Niroomanesh under truly difficult circumstances. Ms Niroomanesh will be glad to provide this letter to a fair and independent tribunal.

استاد محمد على طاهرى ،انديشمند و نظريه پرداز علمى و معنوى(اينتريونيورسال) و همچنين بنيانگذار دو شيوه طب مكمل (فرادرمانى و سايمنتولوژى)در عرصه علم جهانى ميباشند. 

‎استاد محمد على طاهرى به جرم انديشه شان از سال ٢٠١١ميلادى در سلول انفرادى در زندان اوين بسرميبرده اند.سپاه پاسداران و وزارت اطلاعات ايران بدنبال رسيدن به أهداف خود مبنى بر رد و انكار نظريه وانديشه شان ، او را زير ناعادلانه ترين و غير انسانى ترين شكنجه ها قرار دادند.از طرفى حكومت ايران و وزارت اطلاعات ،خانواده و شاگردان ايشان را تحت فشارها و تهديدات زيادى قرارداده تا بتوانند اين انديشه و نظريه را كه پيروان زيادى نيز دارد ،در نطفه خفه كنند .

‎خانم شهناز نيرومنش ،مؤسس و مدير مركزپژوهش و گسترش آثار و أفكار استاد محمد على طاهرى در خارج از ايران و همچنين يكى از شاگردان معتمد و بسيار نزديك به آقاى محمد على طاهرى باتوجه به زيادشدن فشارها به دكتر طاهرى و به درخواست ايشان ، در سال ٢٠١٠ از ايران خارج شده ودر تمامى اين سالها براى معرفى نظريه و انديشه استاد محمد على طاهرى تلاشهاى بسيار گسترده اى را در سطح مجامع بين المللى به انجام رسانيده اند.

فعاليتهاى خانم نيرومنش در جهت حمايت از استاد محمد على طاهرى بنيانگذار عرفان حلقه شامل  :

تشكيل كمپين بين المللى رايزنى با مقامات و سازمانهاى حقوق بشرى، نوشتار و مصاحبه ،...وتأسيس مركز پژوهش و گسترش آثار و أفكار استاد محمد على طاهرى در امريكا(     .Interuniversalism,inc 2012)ميباشد

‎در بهار سال ١٣٩٣ (٢٠١٤)با توجه به تحت نظر بودن و شرايط بسيار سخت و ناممكن استاد محمد على طاهرى موفق به ارسال نامه اى از داخل زندان شده و توانستند اين نامه را به دست خانم شهناز نيرومنش برسانن
‎استاد محمد على طاهرى در اين نامه از فشارها و شكنجه ها و شرايط ناعادلانه و غيرانسانى بر خودشان و ساير زندانيان پرده بردارى كردند.ايشان در اين نامه از مجامع بين المللى و حقوق بشر و شخص اقاى احمد شهيد درخواست رسيدگى به اين موضوع را داشته و اظهار نمودند كه ايشان حاضر به دادن شهادت در مورد نقض حقوق بشر توسط سپاه پاسداران و وزارت اطلاعات ايران ميباشند.
‎با توجه به ملاقاتهاى مداوم همسر ايشان (خانم زيبا محمديان) و همچنين خانواده آقاى طاهرى ،اعم از خواهر و شوهر خواهر ايشان و با توجه به اينكه خواهر استاد طاهرى در خارج از ايران زندگى ميكنند و عليرغم وجود وكلاى نمايشى ،استاد محمد على طاهرى به هيچ عنوان به آنها اعتماد نكرده وحاضر نشدند كه اين نامه از طريق خانواده يا حتى خواهر خودشان به مجامع حقوق بشر ارايه بشود طبق خواسته و ميل ايشان اين نامه را تنها از طريق معتمدشان خانم شهناز نيرومنش به مجامع بين المللى و شخص اقاى احمد شهيد ارايه دادند.

‎استاد طاهرى در اين نامه به اين موضوع اشاره داشته اند ،با توجه به اينكه خانواده تحت فشار حكومت و سپاه ميباشند، لذا خانواده و وكلاى ايشان نيز غيرقابل اعتماد و غير مستقل ميباشندكه در نتيجه ،امكان پيگيرى قضيه و غيرقابل استفاده بودن نقل قولها و شواهد آنها را در اصل تاييد ميكند.
‎خانم شهناز نيرومنش بعد از پيگيرى و رسيدگى به اين نامه و رساندن ان به احمد شهيد و پيگيرى ان از طريق كميسرياى عالى حقوق بشر و پارلمان اروپا سازمان عفو بين الملل در سال ٢٠١٤ توانستند مجامع بين الملى و حقوق بشر رابه استاد محمدعلى طاهرى جلب كرده ،تا انجاكه جناب اقاى بانكى مون دبيركل سازمان ملل و اقاى احمد شهيد در بيانيه اى از اقاى طاهرى نام برده ،خواستار ازادى ايشان شدند.

‎ پيگيريهاى مداوم خانم نيرومنش و تلاشهاى وافر ايشان ،باعث شد سازمان عفو بين الملل يك بيانيه اقدام فورى صادر كرده و كميسارياى عالى حقوق بشر يك نامه محرمانه بصورت اقدام فورى صادر كنند؛اما با وجود تمام اين مسايل حكومت ايران پرونده ارتداد و مفسد فى الارض و اعدام ايشان را همچنان باز نگهداشتند تا بتوانند از ايشان عليه خودشان اعتراف بگيرند و اين قضيه مواجه شد با اعتصاب غذاى استاد محمد على طاهرى كه مجددا حكومت ايران اعتنايى به اعتصاب غذاى ايشان نكردندو در پاييز سال ٢٠١٤ اقاى محمد على طاهرى اعلام كردند تازمانيكه پرونده ايشان مختومه اعلام نشود از اعتصاب غذاى خودشان دست برنخواهند داشت.

‎در تمام اين مدت خانواده آقاى محمد على طاهرى ووكلاى نمايشى قبلى و وكيل جديد در مورد پرونده ايشان هيچ اقدام جدى در جهت همراهى و همكارى با خانم نيرومنش در قبال احقاق حقوق اقاى طاهرى بعمل نياوردند.طبق اخبار منتشر شده از كمپين بين المللى حمايت از استاد طاهرى و اظهارات خانم نيرومنش، درژانويه٢٠١٥بعد از دوبار به كما رفتن آقاى طاهرى و عارضه قلبى در اثر اعتصاب غذا ،ايشان در زير شكنجه براى گرفتن اعتراف از ايشان در خارج از زندان اوين و در خانه هاى أمن و مخفى وزارت اطلاعات جان سپردند.

‎همزمان با اعلام شهادت استاد محمد على طاهرى توسط خانم نيرومنش ،مجدداحكومت اقدام به بازيهاى جديدى كردكه اين بازيها توسط وكلا و مخصوصا خانواده ايشان مبنى بر تبليغات شديد در جهت اينكه آقاى طاهرى زنده هستند و دادگاههاى ايشان نيز برگزار ميشود منتشر شد،اخبارى كه مبنى بر ادعاى تشكيل دادگاهها و صدور اعدام و اعتصاب غذاى ايشان بود.

‎مجددا آقاى طاهرى بمدت هفتاد روز اقدام به اعتصاب غذا كرده ،پرونده ايشان به ديوان عالى كشور فرستاده شد و به دليل تكميل نبودن مدارك برگشت خورد.نقض حكم اعدام فقط بر مبناى ادعاى دو يا سه نفر از اعضاى خانواده ،وكيل حكومتى بدون هيچ سند و مدركى و به كمك برخى از لابيهاى حقوق بشر كه در قالب كمپين فعاليت ميكنند خبرسازى شد تا شهادت ايشان به دست حكومت ايران مخفى نگاهداشته شود.

‎عده اى از شاگردان استاد محمد على طاهرى كه دريكسال گذشته همواره تقاضاى رويت عمومى ايشان را داشتند خواستار خاتمه به تمامى شايعه ها شدند،اما با مخالفت شديد خانواده و دو وكيل و رسانه هاى حكومتى ايران مواجه شدند تا جاييكه رسانه هاييكه خواستار پيگيرى اين قضيه هستند توسط خانواده ايشان تهديد شدند وبا پررنگ كردن خبر اعدام خواستند كه روى تقاضاى رويت استاد طاهرى روكش كشيده شود.

‎ما شاگردان استاد محمد على طاهرى خواستار تشكيل دادگاهى كاملا بيطرف و مطابق با قوانين حقوق بشر و منصف وتوجه به مدارك و مستندات مربوط به نامه استاد محمد على طاهرى هستيم كه توسط ايشان تحت شرايط بسيار سخت بدست خانم نيرومنش رسيده اند و توسط خانم نيرومنش به اين دادگاه منصف و بيطرف ارايه خواهد شد.

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