DEMAND Horse Fighting be stopped in the Philippines!

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: Dr. Danilo Costa, head of the Philippine Animal Welfare Division

Hundreds of horses are forced to illegally fight to the death in the Philippines. It needs to stop now!
In direct violation of the Republic Act No 8485 (also known as the Animal Welfare Act of 1998) which prohibits horse fights and the maltreatment of horses, individuals in the Philippines continue to torture these beautiful creatures through the brutal and barbaric practice of horse fighting. In well-publicized derbies throughout the island country, a mare in heat is introduced to two stallions who then fight for the right to breed with her. The battle continues until one of the stallions retreats or dies. Many mares end up as collateral damage during the fight while hundreds of "winning" stallions die in the days following from severe internal injuries left untreated.
Anyone engaged in horse-fighting can be imprisoned for six months to two years and fined P30,000 to P100,000 ($676-$2,200), depending on whether or not the horse dies. And yet, horse fighting continues. Horse owners, promoters, sponsors, betters, and even government officials walk away from the fights with plenty of blood money. It is disgusting and inhumane. Horse fighting needs to stop now.

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