James E. Meyer: Provide Radio imaging for the Xtra Channels on SiriusXM

In 2019 SiriusXM has announced the 100 Xtra channels to come online and on the app. But the only channels that don't have radio imaging are Alt R&B, Hits 1 Workout, 80's on 8 Workout, 90's on 9 workout, Pop2K workout, Classic Rock Workout, Lithium Workout, Turbo Workout, Heat workout, Fly Workout, Hip Hop Nation workout, BPM Workout, 1st Wave Workout, New Music Mash, 60's/70's, 70's/80's,80's/90's, 90's/2K's, 70's/80's/90's, 80's/90's/2K's, 90's Rock & Hip-Hop, Pop/Hip-Hop/Country, Country & Pop Classics, Hip- Hop New & Classic, Hard Rock New & Classic,Classic Rock Mix, Country & Pop Mix, Country Classics Mix, Chill Instrumental, Watercolors Instrumental, Spa Instrumental, Yoga, Country n Chill, Elevations Pop,ChillHop and Joint Reggae Vibes. We need radio imaging for all of The SiriusXM Xtra Channels Online and on the SiriusXM App. Not just channels like Classic Hip-Hop BBQ, Cloud Rap, Today's Country BBQ or Tailgating Anthems.

Update #14 jaar geleden
Remember we need radio imaging as well for xtra channels such as Alt R&B, Chillhop, Joint reggae vibes, Yoga, Classic Rock Mix, 80's on 8 Workout, 90's Rock & Hip-Hop, Country & Pop Mix, Country & Pop Classics, Chill Instrumental, Hip Hop New + Classic, Hard Rock New + Classic, Hits 1 workout, Spa Instrumental, Watercolors Instrumental, Country N Chill, Elevations Pop, Country Classics Mix, Classic Rock Workout, New Music Mash, 80's/90's, 70's/80's/90's, 80's/90's/2K's, Pop2K workout and more.
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