Because Palm Oil kills and should be Boycotted!! No Palm Oil Love with hearts on Care2 & YourTango! Palm Oil is the second ingredient in Nutella. This Palm Oil use is destroying and killing habitats! The Nutella shortage WILL SAVE LIFE!!! Animals the ones some people do NOT care about obviously! 

11 Signs The Nutella Shortage Will Change Your Life 

  • August 24, 2014
  • 1:00 pm

This should be called Nutkiller NOT Nutella! I can NOT believe I am still protesting this And on Care2!! The photo used on this petition is REAL LIFE humans are killing by using Palm Oil! End This HOLOCAUST!! We want Palm Oil action and boycotting

Worldwide, destruction of tropical forests accounts for 10 percent of global warming emissions annually. See how the cookies and toothpaste in your shopping cart are a leading driver of tropical deforestation and climate change with our new infographic:

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