Ferrero: Stop using palm oil in Nutella!

 Palm oil contributes to deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra, the only two places on Earth where orangutans live. Trees are cut down for Palm Oil Plantations, but these trees are the Orangutan's home. Orangutans and other animals living in these beautiful forests are endangered! Nutella contains Palm Oil, by eating this product we are contributuing to hurting the Orangutan species. Sign the petition to pledge to Ferrero to stop using palm oil in Nutella and not support deforestation and extinction to Orangutans! 

Kenna Barrett, Ferrero: Nutella 

I would like to create a better future for endangered species like orangutans! I signed this petition to help prevent deforestation and extinction! Stop using palm oil in your products and I will start buying them again!

[Your name]

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