Protect Brazilian National Parks - do not allow roads inside the Parks

  • van: Defensores Iguacu
  • ontvanger: Senate of the Federative Republic of Brazil and President Dilma Rousseff

Help us protect the Iguaçu National Park in Brazil, and all the Conservation Units in the country. Sign this petition against the approval of bill no 7.123/2010 which establishes the “Colonist Trail Park-Road” in the Iguaçu National Park (INP), state of Paraná, Brazil. The “Park-Road” would resemble the 17.6 km-long Colonist Trail, a dirt road illegally opened in 1954, fifteen years after the INP was created, and officially closed in1986 as it was considered a risk to national security in an international border context.

The road cuts in half the last continuous remnant of inland Atlantic forest. Moreover, the bill creates a new category of Conservation Unit (CU), altering and therefore weakening national legislation to meet regional interests, affecting biodiversity conservation not only in the INP, but also in other CUs.

In the name of biodiversity preservation regionally and nationally, we are asking for your support to keep roads away from our National Parks.

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