Bring a Whole Foods Market to Olympia!

I am a young new mother and as it happens for many, it has me looking at certain topics in a completely different way. And one of them is the food that we're putting into our bodies and our children's bodies. I must admit in the past this was a rather mindless activity for me but in wanting to be healthier and more aware I started asking questions. I've been referring to friends that are known to be conscientious of their bodies. It's incredibly important to me and I know many other people as well to not only know what we're putting in our bodies but to set an example for our little ones to be mindful. Whole Foods offers vastly more healthy options and promotes the consumption of organic foods. Having these options more readily available for our community stands only to improve our well being and support healthy eating at any and all stages of life. I've been having to carpool to university place with my infant to have access to some of the healthier options only available at Whole Foods. That's a bit of work but I'm dedicated to the health of my family. Please help us bring more of these options to Olympia!

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