Show your support for King's Wood Pond Restoration

  • van: Matt Mordaunt
  • ontvanger: In order to be successful we need to highlight local support for this project, this petition will be used to indicate that support for our application.

We would like to restore two clay lined ponds that were created in 2005 but no longer hold water, using synthetic liners to improve their water holding capability. The project will have great benefits for wildlife in the local area, providing habitats for amphibians, dragonflies and bats as well as drastically improving the aesthetic value of the two ponds.

Show your support for King's Wood Pond Restoration

  • author: Matt Mordaunt

  • target: In order to be successful we need to highlight local support for this project, this petition will be used to indicate that support for our application.

  • signatures: 92

We would like to restore two clay lined ponds that were created in 2005 but no longer hold water, using synthetic liners to improve their water holding capability. The project will have great benefits for wildlife in the local area, providing habitats for amphibians, dragonflies and bats as well as drastically improving the aesthetic value of the two ponds.

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