Asian Countries - Enforce Rules that Stops Exotic Animal Trade Like Woman Smuggling Tiger Cubs!

  • van: SUE LEE
  • ontvanger: Chumphon Province & All Asian Countries

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the Asian Countries to be more diligent and strict in enforcing their international exotic animal trade laws and regulations. A woman was recently found attempting to smuggle three tiger cubs in the Chumphon Province, going against regulation. Let us ban together to sign and share this petition in an effort to get Asia to not only set forth specific international exotic animal trade laws and regulations but to also enforce the laws!

Just recently, a middle-aged woman attempted to flee Chumphon with three tiger cubs and the carcass of a deceased cheetah. She was discovered fleeing in a Toyota VIGO with Bangkok license plate as she sped through a checkpoint in the Patiw District. After surrendering to authorities, the woman, Ms. Tenbab admitted to getting the animals from another man from another Province. Ms. Tenbab was charged with the possession of protected animals and harboring the hide of another protected exotic animal.

Investigators are looking into the others involved in this smuggling ring for further charges. Smuggling and trading of wild and exotic animals throughout Asia continues to be a disturbing concern and laws have been implemented to guard the protected animals against such infractions. However, not enough is being done to enforce these laws.

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the Asian Countries to be more diligent and strict in enforcing their international exotic animal trade laws and regulations. A woman was recently found attempting to smuggle three tiger cubs in the Chumphon Province, going against regulation. Let us ban together to sign and share this petition in an effort to get Asia to not only set forth specific international exotic animal trade laws and regulations but to also enforce the laws!


Chumphon Province & All Asian Countries - It is impressive that you have implemented international exotic animal trade laws and regulations in an effort to safeguard the existence of exotic, wild and endangered species throughout your country. Investigate further this incident with the woman who attempted to smuggle the tiger cubs and cheetah carcass so that you can find others involved and punish all severely with fines and jail time. You need to do more to enforce your international exotic animal trade laws and regulations so that there will be lesser repeat offenses that puts your wildlife in danger of extinction and trade due to these criminals that disregard the laws without reprimand. Through stricter enforcement of your laws, there will be less offenses of your beautiful, natural wildlife and exotic beings.

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