Stop Bull Pestering Games in France

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: French minister of culture Frederic Mitterrand

It is sad that people have to engage animals in offensive manners in order to be entertained.  There is a practice in France known as bull pestering games which may not involve the death of the animals but definitely puts them in some danger.  You can view a video that depicts the extent and practice of bull pestering at

Although the animals are not directly killed, it is animal cruelty.  The premise of the game is that fighters have to go in a ring and literally touch the head of a charging bull, then run away to safety.  However, often times, as seen in the video, the animals attempt to run after the fighters, attempting to jump the fence and then get injured.  This is not a fun, safe, entertaining practice and we urge the French Prime Minister to put an end to this harmful, abusive form of entertainment.

Help us to encourage the Prime Minister to put an end to this unsafe tradition of bull pestering in France by signing and sharing this petition.  There is nothing fun or entertaining about watching a bull chased and be chased to possible injury.

French minister of culture Frederic Mitterrand – We urge you to put an end to the tradition and practice of bull pestering games in France.  There is no need to exploit these animals for human enjoyment that is clearly animal abuse and cruelty.  Ban bull pestering games in France.

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