Manatee County Animal Services is grossly MisManaged, Let’s Demand Competent Staff.

  • van: Jan Gross
  • ontvanger: Residents of Manatee County Florida

Manatee County Animal Services Managers Vergallito, Bastien, Brooks make poor decisions based on their flippant rules and emotional guidelines to the detriment of the animals. This in turn costs the county budget greatly. Wohlgefahrt is not talented or experienced enough to properly advertise the MCAS animals for adoptions by current standards. The department website is incomplete, inaccurate and of poor quality.  All FOUR are rude and disrespectful to public, volunteers and fosters compelling people to not get involved with the shelter. As public servants, they serve the public inadequately and poorly. Facts/examples are explained for the public to read:

ALL FOUR need to be replaced. 

They were hired based on favoritism and nepotism, not credentials. This is a huge violation of the public's trust to be utilizing the tax payers money wisely. 

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