Demand consequences for police brutality and crimes

    We need to put a stop to police brutality and other various crimes that police partake in. From participation in prostitution, money laundering, and drug sales cops are found doing illegal things all over America. When caught it seems to be nothing more than a slap on the wrist to the police officer with nothing more than house arrest and job loss. Some even get their jobs back, while the average person goes to prison and experiences the worst years of their life. If they are lucky enough to get out alive its almost impossible to get a good job and reform themselves. A police officers job was to protect and serve and they have taken an oath to uphold the law; so how is it that someone who takes an oath to uphold the law and do what’s right gets in less trouble than a man who has no oath to uphold. I believe that the job of a police officer is a job of trust and how can we as Americans possibly trust the police to protect us and our children. When the police are nothing other than criminals in fancy suits carrying lethal weapons. How can we stop police from committing crimes? And help to make sure they get on a felony list, So we know who is safe and unsafe in our community. *We stop excessive force incidents by making it so the police are charged double for any crime committed and make sure they go to prison and are put on a list.* If they are charged double and go to prison it will encourage people to only become officers if they are truly for the law and the people. We can all help to make our streets safe again and ensure the next people who apply for the job will only apply if they are going to only do good for our community and our country.
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