Ban Dog Meat Consumption In Vietnam And Implement Animal Right Laws!

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: Hanoi Mayor - Thanh Nien Daily, Trương Tấn Sang - Vietnam President, Nguyễn Tấn Dũng - Vietnam Prime minister

Majority of dogs in Hanoi share a similar fate. They're trapped in small cages awaiting to be cooked and destroyed in cold blood most of which are born just to end up on a plate. Others are stolen from the yards of the families that keep them as pets. It's a known fact in Vietnam that if you have a missing pet he or she will likely never return, and why should they? Dogs are clubbed to destruction or boiled alive which is becoming an accepted social norm there. Everybody there knows that their meat is eaten as a luxury, not due to poverty, but we all know also that a dog is an animal that will love you unconditionally his entire life! This has to stop! We must help put an end to this barbaric, inhumane tradition! They're terrified, locked in cages, awaiting death, praying that it will be a quick one! We demand Vietnamese authorities to ban dog meat consumption and to implement animal rights laws immediately!

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