Tell Trump & Republicans in Congress to stop holding America hostage. Reopen the government now!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: President Trump and Congressional Leadership

On the one-year anniversary of Republicans taking complete control of the U.S. government, they shut it down. This crisis was not caused because of an ideological stalemate but because President Trump and his Congressional enablers decided to play political games instead of doing what is right for our country.

Enough is enough! Republicans have the power to reopen the government immediately, and it is their responsibility used it.

For months, Democrats have been calling on Republicans to join them in three things: renewing the Children's Health Insurance Program, protecting America's Dreamers, and funding the government. Republicans have refused, opting instead to hold hostage millions of innocent Americans, force furlough more than 100,000 federal employees, and leave vital programs to protect the environment, combat the opioid crisis, and provide disaster relief in the lurch.

Now, they argue that Democrats are to blame by holding firm in their demands — each of which has the support of at least two-thirds of Americans. Republicans, and Republicans alone, are standing in the way of America's priorities, and people are suffering as a result.

Let's put a stop to it. Add your name to demand Republicans reopen the government NOW.

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