Tell Congress not to bail out Jeff Bezos' space program!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: The United States Congress

Almost unbelievably, Congress is considering bailing out Blue Origin, Jeff Bezo's space company, to the tune of $10 billion dollars… for a contract to build a lunar lander (after Elon Musk's company, SpaceX, won the competitive bid for the contract to the first project.)

That's right — our legislators are considering bailing out one of the richest men in the world, someone worth $180 billion dollars (and has paid almost nothing in federal income taxes.)

This is a man with a mansion, a mega-yacht, and two other estates totaling almost a billion dollars. There is zero reason that this should be a priority of Congress, especially not when so many Americans are suffering financially.

Add your name to tell Congress not to bail out Jeff Bezos!

Thanks to the practically un-debated Space Act, private companies are promised full ownership of any discovered resources in space – with zero benefits to the taxpayers who helped them get there.

Bernie Sanders is right when he says that "scientific achievements we make should be shared by all of us, not just the wealthy few." Congress should not be in the business of helping a billionaire get richer quicker, especially when there is so much at stake.

Sign your name to demand Congress prioritize the American people instead of billionaires!

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