• van: Carl Smith

This petition has been created to show Sequential Brands Group that there is still a large consumer market available for producing Soap Shoes. Since HSL stopped production of the legendary shoes we soapers all around the world have had to really struggle to find spares/new/used shoes for our beloved art form. There have been few bastions of hope available to us and even then parts and shoes become rarer every day. I always do my best to advertise the soap community to people who have never heard of the sport/hobby/love/art form as I am sure all who are reading this have and do. So many kids/teens and adults always ask what we are wearing and where they can get them from. This may be one of the last chances we ever get to prove that this is a product still worth making and that it will sell. Otherwise this beloved brand may disappear forever with only its patents remaining and sitting on a hard drive somewhere forever lost to the generations to come. I ask only that you and any crew/friends/family who would like one last chance to make a difference in this struggle to preserve a legendary brand and art form sign this so we may submit it to the company that holds it very life in its hands. Hopefully if we can get enough signatures Sequential Brands Group will pay attention and produce Soaps once again. Long live Soap. Thank you for reading, kind regards Carl a.k.a VintageGMan.


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