Demand an End to the Intentional Release of Balloons in NJ!

As citizens of a coastal state, we have a duty to protect the ocean that we rely on for food, recreation, and even for life. Part of this duty involves protecting harmless wildlife from human interference. Intentional mass balloon releases, seemingly innocent activities, can kill marine mammals and reptiles that end up eating the balloons. Marine creatures can also get tangled up in strings attached to balloons and lose limbs/appendages.  Although less harmful balloons exist on the market, they still can harm wildlife due to long degradation periods.

As students of New Jersey's environmental university and as concerned citizens, it is our duty to ask you to please support the passage of the New Jersey Senate Bill 3177 and to support a clean and healthy ocean.

Thank you,
Echoing Climate Optimism (E.C.O.) of Stockton University

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