Investigate The Death of an Elephant Who was Found Dead and Slaughtered in Aceh, Indonesia

  • van: Monica T
  • ontvanger: Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia; Mr. Zulkifli Hassan, Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia; Mr. Zaini Abdullah, Governor of Aceh Province

On Sunday, July 14th 2013, an elephant known as 'Papa Genk' to the locals was found dead in Desa Ranto Sabon, in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. The body was found mutilated; the head cut open, the trunk was cut off, and the tusks were missing. 

It was clear to the ranger team from the Conservation Response Unit that elephant was first brought down using land mines, and after the elephant was helpless, the perpetrators slaughtered him, presumably to take his tusks away to be sold. 

The perpetrators were still nowhere to be found, and according to the local police, the perpetrators are from the same region, because they also found a local hunting trap called 'Inosoeh', which is made from the log of a coconut tree with a sharp iron attached to the tip of the log. 

By signing this petition, you are asking the President of the Republic of Indonesia, The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and the local Government of Aceh to investigate the death of 'Papa Genk', an elephant who was found dead and slaughtered in Aceh. Don't let this horrible act goes unpunished. 

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