demand an End to dog trade in asia and vietnam

killing and cooking then eating dogs is horrendous, and should not be tolerated they are our companions, and family. They have feelings and are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

Update #57 jaar geleden
it is horrible how dogs are treated when they should be part of the family not on dinner tables, will you please give some more signatures
Update #48 jaar geleden
thank you for all the signatures that we have gotten so far please don't give up now for the animals sake, please keep them coming. thank you
Update #38 jaar geleden
Thank you to you Beth-Sun Wolf, yes you are so right we need all the support we can get. Thank you everyone.
Update #28 jaar geleden
Thank you all for signing my petition, it is a comfort to know that there are so many animal lovers out there. I would like to get as many signatures as I can to end this cruel practice. Again thank you.
Update #18 jaar geleden
I thank you all for supporting this petition, please keep them coming. I saw a dog that was all horribly cut up it made me sick to my stomach. We have to stop this, we are their voices, they cannot speak. I wish everyone knew how much dogs care and how loyal they are. Dogs love you better than they love themselves, we cannot do this to cats either. Thank you every one for caring
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