Save the wolves of the Alps' woods, Now!

Are you afraid of wolves? We understand. But you should also know they are social, they can hear a branch crack from 3 kms and the cubs are very cute and beautiful! But today they are killing these poor wolves - you can help us, right?

To get to know us and our cause - watch our short video: Save the wolves - short video

Hello, we are 5 people and 11 years old. We would like to save the wolves in the Alps. We live in France and we are trying to save this beautiful animal we have in our region (Bauge). Do you like the Alps or do you love animals? Then you can help us save the wolf - sign today!

We have also thought of solutions to keep the sheep safe in the Alps as well because this is sometimes the reason the wolves are killed. We need a lot of signatures so that after we can write a letter to the Deputy. If they agree with our idea then we will find a good solution, so that the wolf does not become extinct (like the dodo..). They are smart and cute, funny little creatures. And they are in danger! Help us today. Just sign.

Every signature counts.

Thank you for reading.
Ulysses, Isild, Julia, Edoard

And if you are still doubting, we put together another video that proves just how beautiful these creatures are! Click here for the video:

Thank you for the photo San Diego Zoo (source: 

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