Spray & Take The Fear Away (Stop The Violence)

    Every year there is a plethora of gun violence that ranges from teens as young as 14 to adults. As a result, the neighborhoods we reside in our in fear or troubled with murder and high crime rates. In most communities living with these issues, active events that inspire love,peace, and unity are either never initiated or supported. This event will target our community to unite and spread love by putting differences,opinions, and frustrations aside. Participants are encouraged to bring water guns to inspire the motto “Guns Down Water Up” which was an event initiated in Wilmington,NC to prevent violence. Public speaking will take place from community leaders, residents, and teens to promote a peaceful event in hopes of leading to reducing crime rates in our city. In most cases, we acknowledge crime in other cities and states but fail to take steps and play a part in our own backyards to reduce crime rates. This petition is designed to receive the support of Jacksonville Public Safety (JPD), Onslow County Sheriffs Department (OCSD), Local Schools, and influential leaders in our city and ask for help with the promotion. For any questions or concerns please contact Paul Scott @ 910-382-7945
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