Allow Long Island City Restaurants to Use Outdoor Space

I want to mobilize thousands of Long Island City residents who want to see all the restaurants on Vernon blvd. open up their outdoor space. For years, a very small number of residents along with our local Community Board have opposed local restaurants who want to serve patrons outdoors, but the majority of residents who are in favor of outdoor dining haven't responded.As a result, a moratorium on outdoor dining has been imposed on Vernon blvd restaurants with rear yards.

Read more about it here and on the Facebook Group, 'Free the Yards':

LIC bars and restaurants have seen crushing blows to their revenue when they aren't able to allow locals to enjoy meals and drinks outside during the warm seasons. I am a lifelong LIC resident who welcomes change. Let's take a stand against the small minority of residents that hinder the cultural growth of LIC!!

Please, it is very important to state in the comments section that you live or work in LIC. If you live on Vernon Blvd. or over a bar, it is imperative that you say so. Your voice will be heard even louder!

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