Elimination of Access Road from Soccer Fields and Walking Trail development to Kinderton Village

Kinderton Village Petition

We, the residents of Kinderton Village part of Bermuda Run Town, petition the Bermuda Run City Council to consider the elimination of the access road that will be part of the proposed soccer and walking trail development plan presented during the Kinderton Village Annual Meeting on February 28, 2017. Above you can find an aerial map of the proposal where the light blue icons identify where the access roads are planned to be built-right between our properties. One specific access road is planned to be where Kilbourne Drive meet Oak Wind Drive next to Eastwood Homes new phase development-right between our properties.

We, residents of Kinderton Village specifically the residents of Kilbourne Dr. are very concern on how this will affect our roads in regards to traffic patterns, safety, privacy and eventually the risk of affecting our property value.

We want our neighborhood to stay family oriented, peaceful, safe and beautiful as it is.

We do not want our roads and backyards to be affected by the proposed soccer and walking trail development behind Kilbourne Drive which will bring traffic, light and noise contamination to our residencies disrupting our privacy and affecting our living well-being.

We think the idea of the trails and soccer fields are excellent for the town but we don’t want to be affected in a negative way. We are families that care for each other, our future as residents and our investments.

We demand the Town of Bermuda Run to consider the revision of this proposal and to eliminate the proposed access road from the soccer fields to our neighborhood and to present how the soccer field noise and illumination will be mitigated/controlled.

If more information in regards to the petition, please feel free to visit us at: http://kindertonvillagepetition.weebly.com/

For more information in regards to the development please visit Bermuda Run City Council here:


You can also contact Bermuda Run Town at: http://townofbr.com/ 

Thanks for your time!

Kinderton Village Petition

We, the residents of Kinderton Village part of Bermuda Run Town, petition the Bermuda Run City Council to consider the elimination of the access road that will be part of the proposed soccer and walking trail development plan presented during the Kinderton Village Annual Meeting on February 28, 2017. Above you can find an aerial map of the proposal where the light blue icons identify where the access roads are planned to be built-right between our properties.  One specific access road is planned to be where Kilbourne Drive meet Oak Wind Drive next to Eastwood Homes new phase development-right between our properties.

We, residents of Kinderton Village specifically the residents of Kilbourne Dr. are very concern on how this will affect our roads in regards to traffic patterns, safety, privacy and eventually the risk of affecting our property value. 

We want our neighborhood to stay family oriented, peaceful, safe and beautiful as it is. 

We do not want our roads and backyards to be affected by the proposed soccer and walking trail development behind Kilbourne Drive which will bring traffic, light and noise contamination to our residencies disrupting our privacy and affecting our living well-being.

We think the idea of the trails and soccer fields are excellent for the town but we don’t want to be affected in a negative way. We are families that care for each other, our future as residents and our investments.

We demand the Town of Bermuda Run to consider the revision of this proposal and to eliminate the proposed access road from the soccer fields to our neighborhood and to present how the soccer field noise and illumination will be mitigated/controlled.

If more information in regards to the petition, please feel free to visit us at: http://kindertonvillagepetition.weebly.com/

For more information in regards to the development please visit Bermuda Run City Council here:


You can also contact Bermuda Run Town at: http://townofbr.com/ 

Thanks for your time!

Update #27 jaar geleden
Good evening everybody,

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that the next Bermuda Run Town meeting is this next Tuesday April 11 at 7PM.


Bermuda Run Town Hall
120 Kinderton Boulevard Suite 100
Bermuda Run, NC 27006

See you then.
Update #17 jaar geleden
Wow, it is amazing how together we can do so much. We already have 23 signatures! Please spread the word to your neighbours.

Visit www.kindertonvillagepetition.weebly.com for more details and to share information to others.

Have a bless Saturday.

PS: The day will be nice and perfect for gardening :D
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