Stop killing the Berlenga's Island Black-rat

  • van: Luis Vicente
  • ontvanger: President of Portugal, President of the Portuguese Parlament, Prime Minister of Portugal

Let Berlengas' Black Rat live!

The island of Berlenga is a small island close to the Portuguese west coast.

Due to its natural characteristics (particular flora and fauna in ecological equilibrium) it is a UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve.

Mainly due to human historical prejudices against black rats (Rattus rattus), it is an ongoing extermination action of these animals.
These actions have no scientific support to justify it.
Contrary to what happens in many islands, in the Berlenga Island does not seems to be any ecological damage caused by these animals.
Only human historical-cultural hate to black rats.
Exterminate populations in ecological equilibrium can result in an ecological disaster and it is a crime against nature.
Rats are sentient creatures who, like us, experience anxiety, pain, feelings and empathy for the sufferings of others.
Death with anticoagulant poisons causes terrible suffering.
Moreover, the anticoagulant poisons integrate the ecological networks and kill many other species.
We have the ethical imperative to prevent this crime.
The signatories of this petition demand the immediately ceasing of this crime against nature and against the right to life of animals.

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