Sia, Don't Support MAC Cosmetics - They Test On Animals!

I am a big Sia fan. I especially love that she is vegan and really seems to support animal rights. That's why I was so shocked that she agreed to be the sponsor for this year's MAC Viva Glam lipstick. It's to raise money for a great cause (AIDS research), but I wish Sia had taken the opportunity to tell MAC not to test on animals.

Sign the petiton to ask Sia to step down as sponsor and make a statement asking MAC to stop testing on animals.

MAC usually tries to be cruelty-free, but if they want to sell in China, they have to test on animals. Companies like MAC and NARS should stand up to the Chinese government by refusing to test on animals; this is the only way to pressure China to end this requirement. By changing their values just to sell in more countries and make more money, MAC has betrayed the animals they claim to care about.

Please sign my petition and ask pop star Sia to use her power for good and stand up for animals.
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