There are 5 bears being held captive in a mostly barren concrete pit at Three Bears General Store in Tennessee. It is stated the pen they live in is concrete and there is nowhere for the bears to lay in grass or somewhere soft. It is stated they have no place to get out of the view of people to have any privacy or to sleep. The bears are on display to the public as a way to attract business for the store. PETA has been running an extensive campaign asking people to call the store, ( 1-865-453-4734 ), and urge them to send all of the bears to a sanctuary. People have been doing this and it was reported that Three Bears staff have been complaining they are receiving thousands of calls every week. More needs to be done, however, to get the point across, because they have reportedly not made any efforts towards sending the bears to a sanctuary. It has been stated that Three Bears has a lengthy history of animal welfare violations, and just last month they were cited for failing to provide veterinary care for one of their ailing bears.

Please sign the petition and help these bears to have the needed medical care and humane living conditions they deserve in a proper sanctuary.

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