Uyen Nguyen for an A

My name is Uyen Nguyen. I am an ESL student. I came to the U.S. four years a go. I was not speak any English when I first came here. However, I worked really hard in school in because I believed that hard work will pay off. Last year, I took AP Government and I got a 91.4. My teacher gave me a B. However, I heard that a lot of teacher curved their students to better an A in an AP class. Therefore, I think I deserved to get an A in that class because I was trying really hard. In addition, I got a 3 in the AP Exam. This proved that I had studied really hard. I stayed up late a lot and did a lot of reading for the class. If I got the same grade for other class, I will be happy. However, I want to major Government and Politics in college so that's B seem not really nice. Since I want to go the most competitive colleges in NC, if my teacher curve my grade to an A, that will save my GPA. My GPA N now is 4.58 and if my teacher curve my A in that class, my GPA will go up 4.625. This will help me achieve my dream because in these colleges, they want the students belong 10% of the class. Other student get As in the class, however, they failed the AP exam, this proved that they was not study at all. Therefore, I deserved to have an A in GOPO. I think that if I gathered 50 signatures, this might effect the decision of my teacher. My dream is to become a congress woman where I stand up for the rights of people. Before I stand up for them, I will stand up for myself. Please help me.
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