Repeal "Suspend with Pay Law" for Ontario Police Officers

  • van: Mirza Baig
  • ontvanger: Ontario Provincial Parliament and Premier Kathleen Wynne

Each year we waste millions of dollars of taxpayer money paying salaries for those police officers who are caught in criminal acts and are suspended from their work pending a prolonged inquiry. Such inquiries usually last several years during which these suspended police officers sit home and draw 6-figure salaries for literally doing nothing. There is no recourse to getting that money back even after the office was found guilty.

We the taxpayers deserve better. Police are meant to protect and serve, and if some of them turn into rogues and criminals themselves, they should not be rewarded for their crimes. The bar for the enforcers of law must be higher than it is for regular citizens and if they breach their conduct, they should be held accountable and penalized even while they are going through the process of investigation.

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