School Kicks First Grader Out of Class for Having Dreads and Ruins His First Day of School

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: John Books, director of A Book’s Christian Academy
Before this week, almost no one had ever heard of A Book's Christian Academy, but after a ridiculous incident at the Florida school, it's made national news.

On Monday, August 13, 6-year-old Clinton Stanley Jr. went to the academy expecting to start his first day of school. But that isn't how it played out. Instead, school administrators refused to let him in. They told him and his parents that Stanley Jr. wouldn't be allowed to attend class because he had dreads which were against the school's dress code.

Clinton Sr., the boy's father, was so shocked he began to record the encounter, even asking the school if he could braid the boy's hair "up" in order to make it less of an issue. They refused. Instead, they said he was welcome to come back, if and when, they decide to cut his hair.

The Clintons have refused to do so, and with good reason. The academy's anti-dreads regulation is arbitrary and targets African-American students disproportionately.

Please sign the petition and demand that John Books, director of A Book's Christian Academy, allow Clinton to attend classes and change their ludicrous anti-dread policy.
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