GCHS Backpack Policy

    Gadsden City High School has a new backpack policy that requires students have a clear or mesh backpack and that students must purchase a locker and store the backpacks there. This means that textbooks, laptops, and binders must be carried by hand throughout the school day. Students must go to their lockers in between classes to get other things they need instead of having them in their backpacks. Most students do not have enough time to visit their lockers in between classes in the first place, or even go to the bathroom. Lockers are assigned at random, meaning that students have to travel between floors and classes to get to their lockers. This policy hurts students and the school by forcing them to make unnecessary trips to their lockers and giving them less time to get to class, furthering the issue of tardiness prevalent in the school. This petition was made in order to have the policy changed to at least let students carry their backpacks to class.
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