GRISWOLD REC!! Allow ALL students up to grade 12 to participate in griswold rec activities

SIGN FOR GRISWOLD REC!! To help support the park and recreation department in extending our recreational basketball league to include high school players and maybe use of their facilities. Our children should still have recreational options after the age of 14! these kids are still students until they graduate at the end of their high school career so why do we cut their time in  programs short? if they can't get onto a school team they have no other options offered to them. our town rec dept is great and feel that our children would continue to benefit with recreations being offered to the older ages as well as the young. having more options to continue to offer these teens will always be beneficial to our families and communities if we can open up our age range and maybe get facility support from the high school as well as continued support from middle and elementary schools we should be able to keep providing for all these children 

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