Stop Selling Off Colorado Open Space

  • van: Karen K
  • ontvanger: Governor Hickenlooper

Colorado Open Space provides biking and hiking areas for people AS WELL as valuable habitat for wildlife. 

Some cities along the Colorado Front Range are allowing developers to come and re-zone Open Space land to Commercial Status and sell it off, thereby taking valuable space away from Colorado human and animal residents.

This has got to stop.

While Commercial shopping areas lay vacant and dying due to the fact that people are purchasing more on-line products rather than visiting shopping centers in person, developers are still usurping valuable land for short-term and private gain.

This Open Space land belongs to all of us, much of it purchased with Lottery Funds and other public money. Do not let greedy developers take this valuable resource away from the public and from our wild animals.

Colorado Open Space provides biking and hiking areas for people AS WELL as valuable habitat for wildlife. 

Some cities along the Colorado Front Range are allowing developers to come in and re-zone Open Space land to Commercial Status and selling it off, thereby taking valuable space away from Colorado human and animal residents.

This has got to stop.

While Commercial shopping areas lay vacant and dying due to the fact that people are purchasing more on-line products rather than visiting shopping centers in person, developers are still usurping valuable land for short-term and private gain.

This Open Space land belongs to all of us, much of it purchased with Lottery Funds and other public money. Do not let greedy developers take this valuable resource away from the public and from our wild animals.

Update #17 jaar geleden
We are learning that companies such as ReMAX and Coldwell Banker are actively involved in the selling off od open space...we want to make sure that our elected officials become aware of this. After all, it is all of our open space and it should not be bought up by private land developers.

Please pass this information on to your friends who care about the outdoors!
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