Move Water Not Just Cars Along The Interstate Highway System

Some regions of the US are suffering through extreme drought.  Other regions are experiencing dangerous flooding.  It should be an easy infrastructure project to construct pipelines to carry water along the Interstate Highway System.  Not on every length, just where appropriate - routes close to flooding reservoirs and to near-empty reservoirs.

The medians and rights of way of the Interstate highways are already established and are the perfect places to put pipelines.  The pipelines can run around-the-clock, making an important contribution to getting water where it needs to go.

It is a no-brainer.  And don't worry about spills - it's only water.

In addition to signing this Care2 petition, please click the link below which takes you directly to the White House site.  It is easy to sign it there as well.

The petition needs to get 100,000 signatures by November 11 to be considered and acted on by the White House.  Please tweet and share the heck out of it.

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