• van: Paulina Crespo
  • ontvanger: To end Dog, Cat Meat festivals in the world

Im going to be talking on behalf this gruesome, cruel, disgusting , inhumane 10 day event where over 10,000 dogs are eaten. Cat meat, SLAUGHTERED, hung, skinned alive , thrown in boiling hot Oil or water, burned alive , smashed . Difficult to see, when I seen the videos people posted online . It broke my heart . It's so hard to see .. in yulin , China that's where it takes place. It isnt " illegal " there. It should be illegal just for the fact this is happening right now til this day!! Nobody isnt doing NOTHING ABOUT IT . I felt the need to make this petion . To be heard . To be helped . No animal should never go through such pain!! Those human beings should be punished!! I believe it is the right thing to do. Please look IT up read about it, try to figure out a way to END ALL of this !! Now! It's been China's 9th annual event for 10 days straight... let it be the 1st & last one . Forever! Let there peace in the world . Please take a stand beside me. Animals ..need HELP . NOW

I created a GoFundMe account partnered with vanderpump foundation click on my link or copy paste it 👉🏻

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