Urge Biden to fight Alabama’s ruling that IVF embryos are “children”

This week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos created for in vitro fertilization (IVF) are "children" under state law, and people could face "wrongful death" charges (or worse) for the normal disposing of unused ones.

This ruling puts IVF access at risk, and several infertility clinics in the state have already paused their IVF treatments. President Biden and his administration are already considering ways to fight back against this draconian ruling, and we need to show our support.

We're urging President Biden to fight back against the Alabama Supreme Court's anti-IVF ruling through any means necessary. We cannot allow this radical decision to stand in the way of families' rights and freedoms to conceive children.

Join us to stand with President Biden and fight back against Alabama's anti-IVF ruling >>

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