These Men Use Kittens as Bait. Help Make Sure They Are Found and Convicted.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Derbyshire Police’s Rural Crime Team
One kitten in Unstone Green, Chesterfield, United Kingdom is lucky to be alive. A passerby noticed something strange when she walked past a group of tattooed men. In their possession was a small, petrified kitten. The men had snared its legs with plastic ties and wrapped the majority of its body in black masking tape.

The young men in their 20s and 30s were also accompanied by several dogs and ferrets. Officials assume they were planning to use the kitten as bait for their other animals. And if that had happened the poor kitten wouldn't have stood a chance.

Fortunately, the person who spotted the animal cruelty was able to give the kitten a good home.

Now, the race is on to find this gang of animal abusers.

Please sign the petition and tell the Derbyshire Police's Rural Crime Team to continue their search for these animals. Sign the petition and demand justice for the kitten that almost died a horrible death.
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