DEMAND INSTAGRAM Stop selling live animals

Every year, in the USA alone, 4 or more million cats and dogs are euthanised in shelters. These pets are often purebred, perfectly adoptable, housetrained animals. They are euthanised because of overcrowding at shelters and they have nowhere to go, no home to take them in.

In the face of this, we still continue to propagate the problem by pumping more and more pets into society via puppy mills, irresponsible "backyard" breeding.

Many online platforms are the vehicle whereby animals are hawked and traded like used car parts. These online platforms - such as INSTAGRAM - turn a blind eye to this activity, and allow indiscriminate trade of live creatures on their site - with no consideration given to the industry they are enabling, with no care given to what homes the animals are going into, or even if they are going into homes or whether they are headed to more nefarious destinies.

This callous and irresponsible internet trade of living beings must STOP. It only serves to promote crime, suffering and irresponsible behavior.

Please sign and share this petition with your like minded friends. Thank you.

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